The joyful bliss of just being
Nothing needing to be done
Even if there is focus not on it
Just accept and enjoy the process
Put your being into your doing
For therein is joy and progress
Refuse to complain and obsess
For nobody really cares to listen
Shut thy mouth and thy spirit hasten
To come forth and show itself
That is if you can quiet your mind
That restless and boisterous scoundrel
Incessantly tormenting you with thought
Thinking it owns you and drives you to rot
Consider this thought provoking question
Do you sink below thought, or rise above it?
Herein is your problem or joyous salvation
Get stuck heavily in thought and forget being
Or rise above thought and enjoy be and being
Of course in your quest for self-actualizing
That is become, your search for significance
You thwart your own essence and greatness
By fixating mentally rather than enjoying presently
I know its an epidemic in this egocentric society
Far be it from me to tell you how to get free
Besides your contentment is in conformity
Considering thy identity is in what other people
People great, not so great, and small think of thee
Both beloved friends and not so celebrated family
Certainly not all of them are cherished equally
Neither than are you, though you be easily
Intimidated and manipulated in what you do
Quick to squirm, conform, and transform
Thy thoughts, beliefs, and whatever ways
Seem to get in the way of being accepted
In so doing your essence you have rejected
For your difference is ultimately your delight
On the contrary you have made it a plight
Put up an endless inner struggle and fight
Nay my friend, accept thyself, and be alright
Enter into the joy and peace of be and being
This eternal bliss within few are experiencing
Nevertheless if you will go within it will begin.
Nothing needing to be done
Even if there is focus not on it
Just accept and enjoy the process
Put your being into your doing
For therein is joy and progress
Refuse to complain and obsess
For nobody really cares to listen
Shut thy mouth and thy spirit hasten
To come forth and show itself
That is if you can quiet your mind
That restless and boisterous scoundrel
Incessantly tormenting you with thought
Thinking it owns you and drives you to rot
Consider this thought provoking question
Do you sink below thought, or rise above it?
Herein is your problem or joyous salvation
Get stuck heavily in thought and forget being
Or rise above thought and enjoy be and being
Of course in your quest for self-actualizing
That is become, your search for significance
You thwart your own essence and greatness
By fixating mentally rather than enjoying presently
I know its an epidemic in this egocentric society
Far be it from me to tell you how to get free
Besides your contentment is in conformity
Considering thy identity is in what other people
People great, not so great, and small think of thee
Both beloved friends and not so celebrated family
Certainly not all of them are cherished equally
Neither than are you, though you be easily
Intimidated and manipulated in what you do
Quick to squirm, conform, and transform
Thy thoughts, beliefs, and whatever ways
Seem to get in the way of being accepted
In so doing your essence you have rejected
For your difference is ultimately your delight
On the contrary you have made it a plight
Put up an endless inner struggle and fight
Nay my friend, accept thyself, and be alright
Enter into the joy and peace of be and being
This eternal bliss within few are experiencing
Nevertheless if you will go within it will begin.
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